Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 58: The Alphabet: Day 9

I is for  - Igloo!

This fine structure stood for several weeks on one of the local green areas during the great snow of 2011. As cool as it was I was very happy to see it melt away as the weather improved

Day 57: The Alphabet: Day 8

H is for happy memories.

Eoin and I spent the night in the hotel we had our wedding reception in. It was very strange to spend the night away from Conor but we had a lovely night just the same. The food and everything else was amazing as always!

Day 56: The Alphabet: Day 7

G is for  - Grandpa!

Here's little scamp and one of his! I only had one grandpa, as the other died a few years before I was born. I was lucky enough not to lose my grandmothers until I was in my 20's by which time one was in her late 80's and the other had just turned 90. Conor still has all four of his grandparents and hopefully will for a long time.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 55: The Alphabet: Day 6

F is for ...Fairies!

I don't know what we would do without them. They are the three magic people on Conor's mobile (red green and the yellow one pictured)  - they make music and spin around  - he is absoloutely facinated by them. And he even managed to switch them on by himself yesterday but I suspect it was more by accident than design.

Day 54: The Alphabet: Day 5

E is for:

(1) Election! Polling Cards at the ready people!

and (2) Eoin -my lovely husband who is a bit confused by this project, I think, but is who is occasionally a willing victim, sorry, subject.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 53: The Alphabet: Day 4

D, is for Dragon. Meet Puff. He came into our lives as part of a standing joke between myself and EOin several years ago. After much detailed research he was liberated from FAO Schwartz in New York.

Day 52: The Alphabet: Day 3

C - well C can only be for one thing - Conor! This is one of my favourite photos of him. It was taken the other day and I just love it!

Day 51: The Alphabet: Day 2

B is for  - Bathtime! A favourite time in this house. It's splash-central but only happy ones!

Day 50: The Alphabet: Day 1

A is for Apple, Apple the computer people that is. We are big fans in this house - Conor even has his own  iPod- admittedly it's his Daddy's old one, which was mine before that, but some day soon we'll get around to putting his music and books on it.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 49: Things about me - Day 7

Today it's five months since I became a mum -in fact I'm planning to publish this at 22.07 which will be exactly five months from his birth. It feels like five minutes! Tomorrow Eoin and I will be married 14 months. Yes, he arrived one day before we were 9 months married (He was 2.5 weeks early - scamp). I'm sure we'll live it down someday (maybe)!

Day 48: Things about me - Day 6

I'm not only a wife and a mum. I'm also a microbiologist. At least that's what my degree is in, and what I've worked for most of the time since I graduated. Meet my cuddly version of Streptococcus pyogenes - more commonly known as the cause of flesh eating disease. Yes I have germ teddies!! I am that big a nerd!

Day 47: Things about me - Day 5

I love to read and I love history  - here are just a few examples of my ability to combine both. Note the slight Henry VIII obsession - Ever since I read a poem about him as a child I've been fascinated by him. I've just found the poem onlineL

Bluff King Hal was full of beans;
He married half a dozen queens;
For three called Kate they cried the banns,
And one called Jane, and a couple of Annes.

The first he asked to share his reign
Was Kate of Aragon, straight from Spain —
But when his love for her was spent,
He got a divorce, and out she went.

Anne Boleyn was his second wife;
He swore to cherish her all his life —
But seeing a third he wished instead,
He chopped off poor Anne Boleyn’s head.

He married the next afternoon
Jane Seymour, which was rather soon —
But after one year as his bride
She crept into her bed and died.

Anne of Cleves was Number Four;
Her portrait thrilled him to the core —
But when he met her face to face
Another royal divorce took place.

Catherine Howard, Number Five,
Billed and cooed to keep alive —
But one day Henry felt depressed;
The executioner did the rest.

Sixth and last came Catherine Parr,
Sixth and last and luckiest far —
For this time it was Henry who
Hopped the twig, and a good job too.

Day 46: Things about me - Day 4

I am determined - I went from Photo 1 to Photo 2 in less than six months. I'm currently about half way between them (Photo 3). I am determined never to get to Photo 1 again and equally to get back to Photo 2.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 45: Things about me - Day 3

Happy Valentines Day! Today it's been 4 years since my now husband presented me with this ring. How time flies - it seems like only yesterday.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 44: Things about me - Day 2

I'm a speccy four eyes! I've been wearing glasses since I was in college. My first pair were so strong the optician could not believe that I hadn't been wearing them before. They've gotten a little worse over the years but not massively. I'm still debating lasering them!

Day 43: Things about me - Day 1

I might be a city girl born and bred but I love the countryside. My dream is to build my own house in the country, but for now I'll have to settle for the occassional visit.

Day 42: A change is coming

Spring is coming - some crocuses finally starting to sprout! That coupled with the longer evenings and the milder weather makes me very happy !

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 41: Busy, busy

So my beloved son went to spend the day with Grandma so I took the opportunity to throw open the windows and do some spring cleaning. House looks miles better now - not quite perfect but, hey, I have a small baby, so I'm not looking for perfect any time in the near (or even distant) future.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 40: fun time!

It's Wednesday which means only one thing in this house - Gymboree time! Conor loves his class and I love learning lots of new songs for us to sing togather at home.  He maybe the only person in the world who thinks I'm a great singer.

Day 39: memories

So I was struggling for inspiration today so I was looking through some old photos and found pictures of the towel animals from our honeymoon - courtesy of the lovely staff on Freedom of the Seas.

Day 38: A rare weekday treat

Conor is usually in bed before Eoin arrives home now and so they really only see each other at weekends. Day 38 is Monday but since Eoin was home early (for a change) he got a chance to grab a few minutes with baba before bed time which they both enjoyed. Judging by the looks on their faces they would have preferred it to be just the two of them and not have me interupting with the camera (again!) :-)

Day 37: A new adventure

Looking a little tired but very cosy! Conor is growing out of his carry cot / pram attachment of his travel system so we decided to take down the buggy bit. Took it for it's maiden spin on Sunday and he seemed happy enough in it. Now to order the foot muff (I held off as I didn't expect him to be in it before the winter was over).

Day 36: Holding hands

Little man's tiny hands holding onto his Daddy's much bigger ones. And yet, in spite of the size difference, he has us both wrapped around his, oh so little, little finger

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 35: Food - Day 7

The puree drawer! Nice and neatly labelled (at least for now). I'm a batch cook and freeze pureer (is that word) - I'm way too lazy to do it every day! At least it's all fresh fruit and veg I guess - my little snob turned his nose up at jars the twice I have tried them. Going away next weekend so I'll have to try a different brand or invest in a freezer bag I guess.

Day 34: Food - Day 6

Tea and toast - the ultimate comfort food!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 33: Food - Day 5

Sweet and sticky pork - Looks a bit measly (should have put it on a smaller plate) but was actually pretty filling and only 7 propoints!

Day 32: Food - Day 4

Lots of fresh fruit and veg bought during the weekly shop!! And most of eaten already!